Visit the Online Worship page to download the latest sermon notes and bulletin.
The Purpose of First Baptist Tempe is to Love people, Love God and accept, love and challenge people with God's truth. We help any willing person reach his or her fullest potential to become radically Christ-like.
For a complete listing of all upcoming events, visit our Events Calendar.
Thursdays, 6:30 PM
Every Thursday 6:30-8:30pm
04/11/2025, 5:30 PM
Cornhole Tournament
06/27/2025 - 06/29/2025, 6:00 AM
Men's Summer Service Trip
09/05/2025 - 09/07/2025
Men's Retreat. Reserve your spot now!
We will be creating a NEW Church Directory and ALL attendees and their families are welcome to be included!
Photo session and viewing should take 20-60 minutes.
Church Code: az131
Church Password: photos
Every photographed church family received a free directory (when completed) and a free professional 8x10 of their family photo. Additional photos will be available for purchase separately.
Visit our Sermon playlist on YouTube for all sermon videos.
Visit the Sermon page to view the most recent bulletins online.
Don’t know where to start? Check out FBC’s suggested schedule for reading thru the Bible this year.
Download the Schedule
In Person, Online. Online services can be found on our facebook page at
Positive, practical and understandable messages from the Bible on every day needs, situations and topics by Dr. Roger Ball. Watch all of Pastor Roger's Walk and Talks on the First Baptist Church YouTube page.
Worship services will be live streamed via Facebook on the church Facebook page. We live stream our 9:30 and 11:00am
How may we pray for you? Please fill out the short request form to send it along to Pastor John so that we can pray for you.
The church office is open during normal office hours. Monday - Thursday: 8:00AM until 5:00PM. The Church office is closed Friday and Saturday.